Monday, December 21, 2009

Bummer... Winter Solstice festival is like tomorrow... so i guess happy Winter Solstice to everyone!... then there's Christmas and then New Year... sure time flies by pretty quick... feeling damn old d *thinks positive.. i'm still young*

Bleh... i've been in a haze thinking whether i should be really wanting to work in audit area or should i just leave my choice open and also go for commercial. This has plagued me for a while now. Because, i am not sure whether i will like audit cause there's these pros and cons of great working experience, future employers will value u more and etc and then there's the thing about working like a cow/bull and u woun't know when will u see daylight ( i know i'm exagerating but u pretty much get a picture of an auditor's life).

Alot of ppl has been saying go audit first then only switch... but when i think about it... if u wanna gain valauable experience.. bigger firms would be better... so what happens if i've tried but was not given the chance to work in one of them... is commercial really isn't the way to go? Gah, up to this stage i'm so blur... i feel like i'm up against a crossroad but i dunno what i want to do anymore... my mind is blank... what should i do?

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