Friday, August 1, 2008


What is this post about actually? hmm

Well, just wanted to write about a singer that i've been listening to since last year. She's still new though, but in Japan she is getting popular although she isn't japanese... ahah another reason to be proud of being chinese (?) 

Heck, i've come to know her cause i listen to japanese songs, and i've got my own sources to get hold japanese songs... although i'm not always updated to all the new songs, but well i do follow abit here and there.... her japanese song title "Sakura Modern" was the one that i listen to often and i like it cause it combines both traditional and modern instruments into the song that makes it a song that i enjoy listening

Well, there is now a Chinese version for that song, it's called "三生石,三生路" - (well if u want literal translation hor, it like 3 life stone, 3 life road - ok it sounds way too weird.... well language is funny own its own)

people call her Alan ( as in A-Lan ;阿蘭 or 阿兰) ... well dun ask me why name a beautiful person that way.... heck.. it's her name anyway, ask the father..... Alan Dawazhuom, that her full name btw

-she's half Tibetan and half Chinese

-She's 21, (her b'thday just passed 25/07)

-She plays the chinese traditional musical instrument, er hu

-She graduated from the China National Chinese Opera and Dance Drama Company (which they say is very prestigious)

-and yea she sang the song for the movie Red Cliff

on the last note for the this post, i really think she talented lor... nowadays not much people enjoys traditional musical instrument.... so why not try listening to her songs =)

p/s: if u want the Red Cliff song, msg me =P (dun heboh heboh banyak pls... i dun want kena tangkap)

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