Monday, July 7, 2008

July babies?

was talking to my friends today while having a break from class.. and somehow we ended up talking about those born in July... just a short coversation before we change another subject... and what a coincidence, my parents talked about that when my father was reading a newspaper, and there was a list of those born in July...

Listening to both of this conversation, it sounded like July babies, i mean quite a number of them are like damn "sui" 1 lor

and i mean it, they can be considered


but i can't understand hor, aren't cancerians (most mentioned was like cancerians =_=|||) suppose to be compationate, motherly and the nice 1? how come these few are like evil.... it's damn sad ok

what the hell happened to humanity? stupid greediness

i'm not offended or what since i'm a cancerian too, but it just somewhat a concern, and yea i know there are like alot of "sui yan" out there with different horoscopes... it just somewhat alarming about the things people do these days, it's like morality does not exist anymore, is that the state of the human population?

Sometimes it's just best to go back to our roots and learn about ourselves more, we should by right be looking after each other and not otherwise... 

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